Eagle Band of Idaho
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A bit about our band history... and how we came to be...
Pam "Spirit of White buffalo" Cox was raised knowing she was Cherokee.  Seven years ago, with the encouragement of her husband, Broken Eagle Feather, she began to trace her roots, only to find that poorly kept Government records, some destroyed, would not allow for enrollment in the Eastern Band of Cherokees.
One of her most important memories was when she was 10 years old.  She was in Oklahoma spending time with her great grandfather.  He told her that she was Cherokee, and to always be proud.
One day, after six years of searching, Spirit of White Buffalo found the Southeastern Cherokee Council, Inc. of Georgia's website.  She sent in an application and was granted full membership.  Wanting to enroll her children and other family members, she started sending fast track applications in as fast as she could get them notarized.
Because the family was so large, Spirit of Night Eagle called and asked about having a band of the Southeastern Cherokee Council, Inc. in Idaho.  And that is how our band originated.
We are now 61 members strong and still growing.
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